Tuesday, November 13, 2012

~8 weeks

No news is good news these days, friends. I am approximately 8 weeks, 3 days pregnant and I've been having an appropriate amount of nausea, exhaustion, boob soreness, and moodiness. I didn't think I was experiencing any emotional swings until I realized I was crying while reading at least half of your all's recent blog posts. I wasn't sure if they actually are sadder / happier than usual or if I am experiencing them differently, but I think I'm going to go with the latter.

We've spilled the beans with our immediate families this weekend and I didn't expect so many happy tears! My sister just sobbed. I knew I was "supported" as an infertile the past year, but I don't think I realized how much they have been thinking about me and worrying about me. Now that I think of it, it would have been nice to know, in my dark times especially, that we were on their minds. Only now, when they know I'm on Cloud Nine and thrilled to pieces, have they told me how they were worried about saying the wrong thing or bringing me down by talking about it.

I went to therapy last night for what I hope will be my last session in a long, long time. I told her she must be really good because I'm knocked up! I wasn't sure what we were going to talk about for a whole 45 minutes, but I must have been bursting to agonize over every detail, because I talked her ear off.

I still worry a lot about the baby and making it through the pregnancy with a healthy take-home baby in 7 months. It's still early, after all. And I'm still not convinced that I'm actually 8 weeks, 3 days pregnant, even though the baby has been measuring along those lines for the past two ultrasounds. If we go by the first day of my last period (Sept 22), I'm actually only 7 weeks 5 days along. Either way,  it's early.

I am very encouraged by the nausea, which I'm learning to manage, and by the exhaustion, which has me in bed by 9 or 9:30 every night. I feel bad for Champ because he's literally doing EVERYTHING around the house. I am exactly zero help. I get home from work and lay down for an hour, then force myself to shower, then turn down 99 out of 100 of Champ's suggestions for dinner, then wait for him to feed me, then I go to bed. Exciting stuff, huh? I think I must use every ounce of energy I have at work and by the time I get home, I can barely drag myself off the couch. I've been working myself up the motivation to do laundry for like 6 days.

We go back for our last RE visit on Friday for one more ultrasound. I can't wait to see the little guy again and make sure he's growing as he should!


  1. Enjoy your graduation visit! You deserve it!

  2. No news IS good news!
    Funny what your family says. I feel the same way when someone says they worry about me but decide not to say anything because they don't want to "remind me" or "make me sad." I want to assure them that I'm already sad and will never forget so please, for the love of Pete, tell me you think about me. Ask how I am. Take care of that little baby with lots of good food and many hours of sleep! xoxo

  3. Yay! Still so excited for you! Btw, did you find a new OBGYN? If not, mine is pretty awesome if u need a suggestion :)

    1. I made an appointment with one for December 3, but it's based on nothing other than being in my insurance network! Who do you see? Do you know where s/he delivers?

    2. Hey, sorry I just saw this comment. I see dr. Kurt froehlich. He delivers at b-north and good Sam. His office is near tri county mall so I'm not sure if that is close to you or not. He is an awesome doctor...has delivered all my nieces and nephews and is a great listener. Not sure how you feel about male gynos, but he's very compassionate and knows his stuff.

  4. I still think this is some of the best news ever! You had such shitty odds and you squished them! Yay for 8 weeks indeed.

  5. The exhaustion is unreal, isn't it? Your days sound exactly like mine.

    Rest up and take care!

  6. I hear you on the exhaustion and food aversion part. I'm 9w4d today and I can't wait to get home from work every night so I can collapse on the couch. My hubby has been pretty good about the food thing too - as much as he can be without totally understanding it. One minute something will sound like I can eat it, next thing I know, it's making me gag. Oh how I can't wait for this part to be done!

  7. It is so refreshing to read your posts. I was looking forward to hearing all the good (even though nauseous and very exhausted) news! I'm sure that Champ (somewhere deep inside) is thrilled to take care of his "baby momma" : )
